- One-Time Invoice Entry, Including Retention Tracking
- On-Screen Inquiry of Open Invoices, Including “Drill Down”
- Automatic Discount Percentage and Due Date
- Automatic Assignment of a Purchases Account Number for Fast Invoice Entry
- Automatic Assignment of Vendor Numbers
- Automatic Posting of Transactions to CASH MANAGEMENT, GENERAL LEDGER and JOB COST
- Ability to put Vendors on Hold, Jobs on Hold, Invoices on Hold or Part of an Invoice on Hold Before Printing Checks
- Alert for Duplicate Invoice
- Processing of Credit Memos
- Linked to Crystal Reports Report Writer®
- Vendor (Including Subcontractor) Information With Calendar and Fiscal Year-to-Date Totals
- Computer-Printed 1099’s
- Pre-check Edit Report
- Computer-Printed Checks
- Check Registers for Handwritten Checks, Computer Printed Checks or Combination
- Aging Reports Summarized by Vendor, Job, or Open Invoice Including Retention Tracking
- Job-to-Date Detail of Payable Costs